Monday, July 20, 2009

Training Away...

For the first time, I am starting to feel better about my marathon training. I slacked off for almost two weeks around our Boston trip and I was getting behind and overwhelmed. I was able to get some really good runs in over the last week. My pacing has stayed the same, but I'm starting not to worry about it. I'm also freaking out less about the bad days and the bad runs and learning what my body is willing take in the way of punishment from me (the key to this? rest days!). My goal is just to finish and I know that it will take me close to five hours. The battle at this point is going to start getting mental and as long as I can look at it as taking five hours completely to myself to listen to my music and enjoy the scenery of Chicago, I think I'll be just fine....

Easier said than done but I think I'm getting my mind in the right place a little more each day, although 26 miles is so SCARY!

I am sore like no other because we rode bikes all over town yesterday (in addition to my nine miler) and I wasn't used to being in the saddle because missed our normal Thursday night ride for two weeks in a row.

You'd never have known it's July here yesterday, I had a jacket on at the beach!

One of my vistas from yesterday's run. I assume that part of my exorbitant tax dollars paid to this city gives me the privilege to run along the 18 miles of Lakefront bike and jog paths. More on the Lakefront path to come!

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