Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hot Yoga

Holy wow.

That's pretty much it.

I tried a hot yoga class for the first time on Monday night. They don't offer it at our Y but I have been wanting to try it for quite awhile now. Oh yeah, and this did not fit into my no-spending plan, oops, but I decided to bite because it was health and fitness related and I figure that is important stuff. They changed a couple of yoga classes around at the YMCA and I found myself not going as much as I would like to.

Anyhoo, it was nothing short of amazing. I went to a small studio and I am pretty sure that it was the first time I've ever done yoga outside of a traditional gym setting. It was from 8:00-9:15 pm so they had the lights off in the room and the only illumination was the street lights (the studio is on a pretty busy corner right next to the L train so we weren't completely in the dark). I found the setting to be extremely relaxing. The heat was already turned up when we started but the yogi turned on several extra heaters all around the room. I was sweating within just a couple of minutes.

I realized that the yoga I am used to practicing at the YMCA is very, very beginner. It was good to be exposed to a new instructor and new positions. Some of the stuff was insanely hard but for other positions I was the only person in class that could do them! Yoga is strange that way, I feel like I learn so much about my body each time I go.

When I got home and saw myself in the mirror, I cracked up. I had sweat stains everywhere! I was afraid that I would be really sore on Tuesday but I surprisingly wasn't! I think the heat helped with that because I know I really pushed myself. I have nine more sessions to use at the studio and I'm looking forward to it.

It was just a regular Vinyassa class so I will still have to try Bikram one of these days!

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