Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm back!

Sorry I've been M.I.A. this week. I gave my computer to my brother on Monday to take home to San Antonio because his apartment was broken into last week and they took all of their HD tvs and computers and video game systems (note to everyone: renter's insurance!!). We were planning on getting new computers here anyway so this was a nice little jump start. Starting on Saturday, I'll be writing from a new Dell Mini or our new and fancy Mac. I'm pumped!

I've also had a bit of a head cold but running 26.2 miles in a race that started at 27 degree temperatures can do that to you. Nyquil and Dayquil have been my constant companions this week. Needless to say, the crappy rainy weather and below-average-temperatures have been angering me. Just to forewarn you, we're entering into the six or seven month period where I will probably be cranky about the extremely low temperatures and otherwise junky Chicago winter. But enough with my terrible excuses and on to the good stuff.

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