Thursday, September 17, 2009

A confession to make...

I didn't go to my Photography Class on Sunday!!! :(

I woke up STARVING on Sunday morning, like crazy not eaten in months starving because we basically ate lunch on Sat, started drinking beer, and had a PBJ and a few Cheetos for dinner at our U2 tailgate. And drank a lot of beer. I don't think we drank any at the actual concert... oh wait, I think we did have one. But after, we started tailgating again until they kicked us out. And then we took a cab to a little dive bar near our house and drank some more. I think we stayed out until almost 3 a.m. which is the latest Adam and I have ever stayed out together, by probably an hour. We are usually super lame and go home between midnight and 1 a.m. so we overextended ourselves a little bit. And it warrants saying that my dumbass would have stayed out even later but Adam had a splitting headache.

Either way, I woke up literally starving so I ate some awesome taquitos from Trader Joe's (which is seriously the best grocery store ever and when will they ever expand to TX?). It was only about 10 a.m. and I figured I had an hour and a half before I needed to leave. So I laid down on the couch and fell back asleep and woke up at pretty close to noon. The class started at noon and I hadn't looked up how to get there yet. Ooops.

So yeah, I suck and I'll have to go another Sunday. If they let me in. Blast!

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